Pre-Prep Reflections

Pre-Prep Reflections Week 35 June 2024

Dear parents,


It has been lovely to have some proper summer weather this week and it was nice and warm for our whole school and class photographs on Tuesday morning. The children looked very smart and the photographer did a great job of making them smile and laugh. You should all have received a card with a QR code on it which you can scan to take you to the Pret-a-Portrait website. Here you will be able to pre-register for an email alert when the photos are ready for you to view.


Wednesday was a very quiet day in school, as we had two classes out on trips for the day. Reception visited Paignton Zoo with Mrs Rickard, Mrs Dray, Mr Heath and Mr Rickard. Year 2 went off to Wildwood Devon with Years 3 and 4 from the junior school, accompanied by Ms Richards and Mrs Titchin. I have been told that the children were extremely well behaved and made their teachers very proud. Back in school, Nursery and Year 1 took the opportunity to have another picnic lunch under the shade of the trees outside.

Stained glass windows

On Wednesday afternoon, we had a visit from Rev Canon Jeff Hopewell, who is researching a book on stained glass windows by the Horwood Brothers of Frome. Most of the windows in our chapel building are original Horwood designs and it was fascinating to hear more about them. Jeff is travelling around the country looking at different stained glass and we hope to be featured in his book. He also shared some historic newspaper articles from 1876 when the building first opened, which have now been added to the school archive collection.

Martial arts club

This morning in assembly, the children were treated to a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) demonstration from James and David of EASJJ. BJJ is a self defence martial art and sport, similar to Judo, with no striking. James and David will be running a BJJ club next year for Key Stage 1 pupils here in the pre-prep and another one for junior school pupils. We will be sharing full details of club bookings before the end of term.

Sports Day

This afternoon was one of the highlights of the school calendar, sports day! It was great to see so many visitors cheering the children on as they competed in their house teams. Many congratulations to the winning house, Devonport. Huge thanks to Mrs Smyth and the team for putting on another fantastic sporting event. Everyone had fun and we all enjoyed an ice lolly at the end of the afternoon.

Next week

Reception had their final fun swimming session of the year today – there will be no lesson next week, as Mr Dutch is away for a sports competition. We are aiming to issue end of year reports for all children on Monday, so please look out for these in your child’s bag. Year 1 are visiting Clyst St George fire station on Wednesday morning, and we have our transition afternoon on Thursday. This will also be Mrs Pike’s last day with us at Forest School. We wish her all the best.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Daniel Ayling

Diary Dates

Wednesday 3 July – Year 1 fire station trip

Thursday 4 July – Transition afternoon 

Saturday 6 July – Play Olympics at Exeter Junior School

Monday 8 July 3pm – Parent drop-in 

Tuesday 9 July 2.30pm – Summer showcase

Wednesday 10 July – Summer term ends at 3.30pm

A list of term dates for the academic year 2024-25 is available on the school website

Spotlight on Year 2

We cannot believe that we are already writing our final spotlight of this academic year. We have had a wonderful year with Year 2 and are so proud of all of the children’s hard work, enthusiasm and progress. We will miss them all next year and we know that they are ready for the challenges of Year 3. 

This week, we have started a new poetry topic based on the book Rumble in the Jungle. The children have enjoyed exploring rhyme and working on their performance skills. In mathematics, our focus has been on shape and space and we have continued our work on biodiversity in science. Richard III has been the subject of an interesting debate in history, while in computing we have enjoyed creating animated sequences using the ScratchJr app.

The highlight of this week was, of course, our trip to Wildwood Devon on Wednesday with Years 3 and 4 from the junior school. We enjoyed den building, badge making and a visit to the animals where we saw lynx, wolves, otters and bears, amongst other exciting wildlife. It was a hot and sunny day and the children all behaved very well. We were so proud of them. 

Ms Richards, Mrs Goodwill and Mrs Titchin

End of year events

Transition afternoon

Next week on Thursday 4 July, all children will be moving up to their next classroom to spend the afternoon with their new teachers and teaching assistants. Any new children due to join the school in September have also been invited to this event. At the end of the day, parents are welcome to come into the classrooms for an informal ‘meet the teacher’ session, where we will provide some further information about the year ahead. If you are unable to attend, please do not worry; we will ensure the information is sent home to you. Current Year 2 pupils who are going to Exeter School next year will be transported over to the junior school for the afternoon.

Parent drop-in

On Monday 8 July, we will be holding our final parent drop-in of the year from 3pm. All parents are welcome to come into your child’s classroom and look at a selection of their work from this year. You will then be able to take most of their books and folders home, so please bring a strong carrier bag to carry heavy items.

Summer showcase and prize giving

On Tuesday 9 July, all children will be taking part in our annual summer showcase in the hall, which parents are invited to attend. This starts at 2.30pm and will include performances from each class, soloists and whole school singing. We will also be presenting every child with a personalised certificate recognising their individual achievements this year, as well as saying farewell to our Year 2 pupils. This event is not to be missed!

Final day of term

On the last day of term, Wednesday 10 July, our drama club leader Ruth Lawrence will be running her usual end of year party for all children in the hall, which should be lots of fun! At the end of the day, families are welcome to bring a picnic and play in the school grounds from 3.30-5.30pm.

After School Clubs

Please note that all after school clubs will stop running on Friday 5 July. There will be no clubs in the final week of term, from 8-10 July. However, Late Room will be running as normal until 5.30pm every evening.

Stars of the Week


Max D

For working hard on his listening skills and being a helpful heron. Well done!

Miss Adams



For being a curious curlew and asking such interesting questions to the zoo keepers whilst on our school trip. Well done!

Mrs Rickard


Year 1


For having a great attitude towards his learning and for being a ‘have a go hero’.

Well done!

Miss Lawrence

Year 2


For making brilliant progress in his mathematics and for always being such a helpful heron in class. Well done!

Ms Richards & Mrs Goodwill

Head's Star of the Week

Jake (Reception)

For being a teamwork turtledove by helping us to move equipment into the garden room and setting up the chairs for sports day. Well done!

Mr Ayling

Lunchtime Tidiest Table Award

Congratulations to Nursery!


Year 1 have been using the Mo Williams books ‘Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus’ and ‘Don’t let the pigeon stay up late’ in their English lessons this week. They enjoyed following instructions to draw the pigeon from the books. 🐦

Year 1 have been using the Mo Williams books ‘Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus’ and ‘Don’t let the pigeon stay up late’ in their English lessons this week. They enjoyed following instructions to draw the pigeon from the books. 🐦 ...

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Nursery children concentrating hard on their cutting and sticking.

Nursery children concentrating hard on their cutting and sticking. ...

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Sixth Form Speech Day 2024

L5 trip to Bristol Aerospace

U11 County Final (ML)

1st XI vs Wellington

Exonian Lecture

Captain Elizabeth Godwin (2004-2013) – Life Guards Squadron- will share her experiences and give a first-hand insight into her career to date. She will explore nationally significant events as well as her day-to-day responsibilities as the leader of Sqn 2iC, which include running the Life Guards squadron of 60 soldiers and 100 Military Working Horses.

Friday 7 February, 6-8pm Exeter School main hall.

Click here to book tickets