group of young students having a picnic
Pre-Prep Reflections
group of young students having a picnic

Pre-Prep Reflections Week 34 June 2024

Dear parents,

It was great to see so many pre-prep families at the Family Society summer fete last Saturday. The sweetie bag tombola was certainly a hit – we sold out early on! This week we have been blessed with warm, sunny weather for most of the week.

Sun safety

Hopefully this is here to stay, so please can we remind you to ensure that your child has a sun hat in school to wear outside. Children are also welcome to wear sunglasses and bring in suncream, but they need to be able to apply this themselves. We recommend the roll-on products. Please ensure the container is named.

House picnics

On Tuesday, Miss Lawrence organised our first ever house picnic. All children (and staff!) brought in a teddy to accompany them. Nursery, Reception and Year 1 enjoyed picnic lunches in our beautiful grounds under the shade of the trees. Meanwhile, Year 2 went over to Exeter School to have their picnic with Form One pupils. They also enjoyed playing in the junior school adventure playground and even had time for an ice-cream!

School council

Earlier in the week, I met with this term’s school council reps from each class. The children were brilliant as always at sharing their thoughts and views on a range of topics, from their lessons and playtimes to school lunches and uniform. A few gems that stood out were requests for salmon and smoked mackerel at lunchtimes, shorter shorts for PE and more teddy bear picnics! There was also much regaling of what they had told the inspectors last week, including “I talked about cheetahs!” and “I found out their names.”

VAT on fees

With the announcement of the general election next month, we know that the imposition of VAT on fees is uppermost in your minds. As you will know from previous communications, we have been planning for this, and there is much work ongoing behind the scenes with leadership and governors at present.

The board is meeting on 26 June and we plan a more formal communication with the parent body, setting out as much detail as we are able to at this stage, at the end of next week. We know that your children’s education is the most important thing to you, and to us, and we do not underestimate the commitment that you show to us as parents. We are working hard to ensure that we continue to provide the very best provision, and the best value to our parent community, and we will continue to do so.


Yesterday, we were very excited to have Preston Street Films in school all day with the marketing team from Exeter School, to shoot a new short film for our website. The film follows the journey of an Exonian child arriving at school on the bus and follows the journey from Nursery to Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, taking in assembly, forest school, lunch, playtime, music, PE, swimming and lots more along the way. The children were very keen to be involved and gamely did whatever was asked of them, whether it was providing a voiceover into a microphone, close up facial expressions in front of the camera, or repeating the same scene several times from different angles. We look forward to sharing the final edit with you when it is ready.

Next week

Next Tuesday morning, we have our whole school photograph being taken. We would usually do this every two years, but we thought it would be nice to mark our first year as Exeter Pre-Prep School for the archives. We will also be taking class photographs afterwards. See the article below for further details. Reception and Year 2 are out on trips on Wednesday, while on Friday afternoon, we look forward to our annual Sports Day event, which is always a highlight of the year. All parents are warmly invited to attend from 1.30-3.30pm – fingers crossed for good weather!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Mr Daniel Ayling

Diary Dates

Tuesday 25 June 9am – Whole school and class photographs

Wednesday 26 June – Reception trip to Paignton Zoo

Wednesday 26 June – Year 2 trip to Wildwood

Friday 28 June 1.30-3.30pm – Sports Day

Wednesday 3 July – Year 1 fire station trip

Thursday 4 July – Transition afternoon 

Saturday 6 July – Play Olympics at Exeter Junior School

Monday 8 July 3pm – Parent drop-in 

Tuesday 9 July 2.30pm – Summer showcase

Wednesday 10 July – Summer term ends at 3.30pm

A list of term dates for the academic year 2024-25 is available on the school website

Spotlight on Nursery

The children have continued to enjoy their topic learning about safari and zoo animals this week, with a focus on lions.

Read more here

Science technician post available at Exeter School

We are currently recruiting for a science technician ahead of next academic year, so if you have any family or friends (maybe recent science graduates) who may be interested, please share the link below or ask them to visit the working at Exeter School section of the website.

Go to the TES role description

School and class photographs

A reminder that we have booked Prêt-a-Portrait to take our whole school and class photographs next week, on the morning of Tuesday 25 June. Nursery children who do not usually attend on Tuesdays are welcome to come in for the photos if you would like them to. We are aiming to start with the whole school photograph at 9am, followed by the Nursery class photo and then each class in turn. Please could we ask that all children are in full school uniform and looking smart for the camera. Don’t worry about winter/summer uniform variations – we will sort the children according to what they are wearing on the day. The children will then bring home a card with a QR code linking you to the website where you can view the photos and purchase them if you wish.

Mr Ayling

Trips reminder

We have two class trips going out next week on Wednesday 26 June. Reception are visiting Paignton Zoo with Mrs Rickard, Mr Rickard, Mrs Dray and Mr Heath, while Year 2 are heading off to Wildwood Devon with Ms Richards, Mrs Titchin and Years 3 and 4 from the junior school. Nursery and Year 1 will be making the most of this opportunity to enjoy another picnic lunch in our school grounds on Wednesday. If you have not already done so, please click on the relevant link below to complete the e-consent form for your child’s trip:

Reception trip to Paignton Zoo

Year 2 trip to Wildwood Devon

New uniform

You are aware that we are currently reviewing the school uniform with a view to making changes in the years to come. We will be in touch with you about this before the end of term, but I am happy to reassure you that no changes will be compulsory for existing parents until September 2028. This long transition period is in response to the current cost pressures that we know parents are under and means that you can manage any move to the new uniform (and the purchasing of new items) as makes best sense for your own family circumstances.  Obviously, you can adopt the new uniform immediately for your children if you wish, as soon as it is available for September 2025 but pupils will not be able to wear a mixture of the two.

Louise Simpson (Head, Exeter School)

Stars of the Week

four school kids holding certificates



For enthusiastically sharing his great ideas with the class and being a kind kingfisher.

Well done!

Miss Adams



For his excellent efforts in mathematics this week, especially his number bonds to 10 and 20.

Well done!

Mrs Rickard


Year 1


For working hard with her reading and making great progress.

Well done!

Miss Lawrence

Year 2


For being so brave in school following his injury and for continuing to work hard.

Well done!

Ms Richards & Mrs Goodwill

Head's Star of the Week

Santi (Year 1)

For his super contributions to class discussions in our PSHE lesson this week. Well done!

Mr Ayling

Lunchtime Tidiest Table Award

Congratulations to Year 1! 

House Point Totals

The house point tokens have been counted up from the last few weeks and the winning house was announced to the children today. Here are the totals:

Bideford (Blue): 125

Bridgwater (Green): 138

Brixham (Yellow): 140

Devonport (Red): 163


Congratulations to Devonport!


We have been learning words for members of the family in French today! 🇫🇷

We have been learning words for members of the family in French today! 🇫🇷 ...

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Great to have these visitors in the office for STAR LUNCH today! 🌟 #starsoftheweek

Great to have these visitors in the office for STAR LUNCH today! 🌟 #starsoftheweek ...

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Making helicopters in Year 2 DT! 🚁

Making helicopters in Year 2 DT! 🚁 ...

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Correction: Red Nose Day is on Friday 21 March

Red Nose Day is on Friday 21 March

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Design and Technology at Exeter Junior Schoolos

U15 vs Millfield

U11 County Final (ML)

1st XI vs Wellington