two pre-prep children writing on coloured card
Pre-Prep Reflections
two pre-prep children writing on coloured card

Pre-Prep Reflections Week 33 June 2024

Dear parents,

ISI inspection

This week we were visited by a team of four inspectors from the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). They were in school from Tuesday to Thursday to carry out a routine inspection, which we have been waiting for since the summer term of last year, so we were well prepared. The inspectors observed lessons, assemblies, clubs and playtimes, had lunch with the children, met with staff, pupils and governors, scrutinised a wide range of pupils’ work and reviewed several policies, documents and records.

The ISI inspection framework has changed recently, and so this is our first experience as a school of the F23 framework, although I have fortunately inspected other schools in this new way. There are some significant changes to the structure and the feedback report, not least the removal of the single word judgements for the sections of the report. In addition, the whole basis of inspection has now moved to be focused on pupil wellbeing, which I think we can all agree is a positive step forward.

Thank you to those of you who completed the parent survey – we really appreciate your support. The inspection was rigorous and demanding on staff, but a positive experience overall and a mammoth team effort. It was great to be able to show off what we do and the children certainly enjoyed their various meetings and chats with the inspectors! The verbal feedback from the ISI team yesterday afternoon was very pleasing and we look forward to sharing the report with you when it is published in a few weeks. We hope to have it before the end of the school year.

Ruffles update

Further to last week’s health update, Ruffles returned to the vet on Monday this week and was taken in for a procedure under general anaesthetic. The infection in her paw, which may have been caused by a grass seed, had started to spread up the leg, but is now under control. She has been recovering well at home all week but popped in to see the children yesterday afternoon and show them her shaved leg! I hope she will be well enough to return to school full-time very soon.

Next week

On Tuesday, we are looking forward to our teddy bear house picnics. Year 2 children will be travelling over to Exeter School to have a joint house picnic lunch with Form One, while the rest of the pre-prep children will remain in school for a house picnic in the grounds. We would like the children to bring a teddy into school on this day to join them at the picnic, if they would like to. Please ensure the teddy fits into your child’s bag. We hope it will be an enjoyable experience and a chance for the children to spend more time in their houses. Let’s hope for some nice weather!

I look forward to seeing you at Exeter School tomorrow afternoon for the Family Society summer fete between 1-4pm, if you are able to come along.

Finally, I hope all the dads have a very Happy Father’s Day on Sunday!

Mr Daniel Ayling

Diary Dates

Saturday 15 June 1-4pm – Family Society summer fete

Tuesday 18 June – House picnic lunches (bring a teddy to school)

Tuesday 25 June – Whole school and class photographs

Wednesday 26 June – Reception trip to Paignton Zoo

Wednesday 26 June – Year 2 trip to Wildwood

Friday 28 June 1.30-3.30pm – Sports Day

Wednesday 3 July – Year 1 fire station trip

Thursday 4 July – Transition afternoon 

Saturday 6 July – Play Olympics at Exeter Junior School

Monday 8 July 3pm – Parent drop-in 

Tuesday 9 July 2.30pm – Summer showcase

Wednesday 10 July – Summer term ends at 3.30pm

A list of term dates for the academic year 2024-25 is available on the school website.

Science technician post available at Exeter School

We are always very proud of our science technicians and their achievements within and beyond the school. Jude Barker has recently gained a PhD place and will be commencing his studies in October.

We are currently recruiting for Jude’s replacement ahead of next academic year, so if you have any family or friends (maybe recent science graduates) who may be interested, please share the link below or ask them to visit the working at Exeter School section of the website.

Go to the TES role description

Spotlight on Reception

The children have been busy preparing for their upcoming trip to Paignton Zoo. Our theme this term is ‘Safari and Zoo’ and the focus text this week has been Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell. This has also been the inspiration behind the literacy work which has taken place in Reception. The children wrote letters to the zoo, telling them what animal they are most looking forward to seeing. The children have also been writing riddles, giving clues to describe an animal, and sharing them in class for other children to guess. The children have loved creating giraffe-inspired art this week, including finger painting, collage and drawing. In mathematics, the children have been looking at missing numbers to 30, ordering numbers from smallest to biggest and talking about number facts, including one more and one less. The children really enjoyed using the iPads to look at Paignton Zoo’s website. We explored the A-Z of animals and we can’t wait to see them all on 26 June! 

Mrs Rickard and Mrs Dray

Sweetie Bags

Thank you for all the amazing sweetie bags we have had back this week. They all looked brilliant on display in the library area and are ready to be sold on our stall at the Family Society Summer Fete tomorrow. Well done to all the children for adding such unique and imaginative decorations to their sweetie bags. It was very difficult for the judges to choose the winning designs. Congratulations to Ralph (Nursery), Arthur (Reception) and Tilly (Year 1) who were each awarded a prize in assembly today.

Find out more about our summer fete here. 

School and class photographs

We are pleased to confirm that we have booked Prêt-a-Portrait to take our whole school and class photographs this year, on Tuesday 25 June. Nursery children who do not usually attend on Tuesdays are welcome to come in for the photos if you would like them to. I am waiting to find out the timings and will share these with you as soon as possible. 

Mr Ayling

Stars of the Week


Hugo R

For being a kind friend and a very helpful heron. Well done!

Miss Adams



For being a “syllable superstar” in phonics this week. Well done!

Mrs Rickard


Year 1


For working hard with her reading – keep up the good work. Well done!

Miss Lawrence

Year 2

Ben E

For working so hard in our mathematics lessons on place value this week. Well done!

Ms Richards & Mrs Goodwill

Head's Star of the Week

Sullivan (Nursery)

For always sitting so beautifully and using his lovely manners at the lunch table. Well done!

Mr Ayling

Lunchtime Tidiest Table Award

Congratulations to Nursery! 


We have been learning words for members of the family in French today! 🇫🇷

We have been learning words for members of the family in French today! 🇫🇷 ...

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Great to have these visitors in the office for STAR LUNCH today! 🌟 #starsoftheweek

Great to have these visitors in the office for STAR LUNCH today! 🌟 #starsoftheweek ...

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Making helicopters in Year 2 DT! 🚁

Making helicopters in Year 2 DT! 🚁 ...

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Correction: Red Nose Day is on Friday 21 March

Red Nose Day is on Friday 21 March

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Design and Technology at Exeter Junior Schoolos

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U11 County Final (ML)

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