Pre-Prep Reflections Week 2 September 2024
Dear parents,
Welcome back
The first full week back has been a busy and exciting one. We are so impressed with how well all the children are settling in and engaging with their learning. Our newly decorated school bus made its belated debut on Tuesday, while Years 1 and 2 enjoyed their first swimming lessons of the year at Exeter School. Next week, we look forward to welcoming two new pupils, Luna and Aurora, into Nursery class.
You may have received an email today from Pret-a-Portrait with a link to view the photos of your child that were taken last week. We will be sending home cards next week with details of how to order photos, so please don’t worry if you haven’t had an email. On Tuesday, we had photographer Mark Lockett in school all morning to take candid shots of the children taking part in their learning. These will be used to update our marketing images in the year ahead and we look forward to sharing them.
Family Society
On Thursday morning, I met with members of the Family Society at Exeter School. This is a group of pre-prep, junior and senior school parents who meet regularly to organise social events for the school community, such as the summer fete. We had a great turn out for the first meeting and discussed plans for pre-prep and junior school discos, the parent/staff quiz night, a sixth form winter ball and this year’s summer fete. If you would like to join the Family Society, please let me know and I will pass on the relevant contact details.
After the rather wet and chilly start to the term, please may I remind parents again that all children need to have a warm coat and welly boots in school at all times. Please ensure that these are clearly named so that we can return them to the rightful owner. Thank you.
Next week
From next week, Years 1 and 2 will be split into two smaller groups for swimming lessons. A letter has been emailed to parents today about this. Next Thursday is our open morning for prospective parents, as well as flu vaccinations for children in Reception to Year 2 if you have given consent. Tomorrow I will be opening up the school building for Heritage Open Day between 11am and 2pm. Hopefully we will have good weather and plenty of visitors!