Pre-Prep Reflections Week 19 February 2025

Dear parents,

Please note that our phone lines and internet have been down today and are unlikely to be up and running again until later on Monday. Calls are being redirected to a mobile device. Please bear with us if we are unable to answer calls or reply to emails as promptly as usual.

Children’s Mental Health Week

This week we have been doing all sorts of exciting things to mark Children’s Mental Health Week. From special assemblies and daily story sessions to positive affirmations and whole school wellbeing walks after lunch, we hope the children have expanded their awareness of mental health and understanding of this year’s theme of ‘know yourself, grow yourself’. Thanks to Mrs Lawrence-Jones, our head of pastoral care, for leading the week’s events.

Poetry by Heart

This morning I had the pleasure of helping to judge the Poetry by Heart competition over at the junior school. It was wonderful to see the courage, enthusiasm and talent shining out of each and every performer, and a real treat to see so many former pre-prep children taking part. I was extremely proud of all of them and it was very difficult to choose just four entries to put through to the ‘freestyle’ final.

Next week

Next week, we look forward to welcoming prospective families along to our ‘school in action’ open morning on Tuesday. I will also be teaching the Year 1 and Year 2 children about Safer Internet Day in the afternoon. On Friday, we will be off timetable for the whole day as we celebrate International Day. The children will be grouped in their houses for a fun day of immersive workshops (and a few Valentine’s Day treats) before we pause for half term.

Strategic planning and parental forum next week

Thank you to the large number of parents who completed the Exeter School strategy survey online this week. This has now closed. It is not, however, too late to sign up for the parental forum to look at strategy on Tuesday 11 February at 6pm. If you are interested in coming along to look at the data from the survey and to workshop the ideas with us, to feed into the governors’ strategy review, we would love to see you. Please email me if you would like to attend and I will pass your name on.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mr Daniel Ayling

Diary Dates

Tuesday 11 February – Open morning for prospective families

Friday 14 February – International theme day

Monday 17 to Friday 21 February – Half term (school closed)

Monday 24 February – Exeter School EdFest25 (school closed)

Tuesday 25 February – Staff INSET day (school closed)

Tuesday 4 March – Pancake races

Thursday 6 March – World Book Day

Monday 10 March – Spring Reviews issued

Friday 14 March – Red Nose Day

Wednesday 19 March – Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 26 March – Informal parent drop-in

Thursday 3 April – Easter theme day and end of spring term (3.30pm)

Friday 4 to Tuesday 22 April – Easter break (school closed)

Term dates for 2024-25 and 2025-26 are available to download from the school website.

Spotlight on Year 2

We have had a brilliant week in Year 2. In English, we have been looking at funny poems on the theme of aliens and we worked in pairs to memorise and recite part of the hilarious poem ‘An Alien Stole My Underpants’. In mathematics, we have been exploring clocks and learning how to tell the time to the nearest five minutes, while in science, we completed our materials topic with a lesson on recycling and learnt about how glass is made. In geography, we have been labelling oceans and continents and the children really loved exploring the world using Google Earth on the iPads. Our focus in computing has been designing algorithms for floor robots, and then debugging the algorithms if required. We have continued to create wonderful collaged minibeasts in art and we are looking forward to seeing them displayed on our printed meadow backgrounds (on the Key Stage 1 display board outside the Year 2 classroom) very soon! A particular highlight of the week has been filling our class marble jar and we look forward to celebrating with a marble party next week. Well done to Year 2 for their excellent work and super attitude. We are very proud of you all.

Ms Richards, Mrs Goodwill and Mrs Titchin

Year 2 Trip

As part of our history topic on toys, we have arranged a trip for Year 2 to the Sidmouth Toy Museum on Tuesday 1 April in the morning. We will leave school at around 9am and will travel by minibus, returning to school for lunch. The cost will be £5 per child and a consent form will be emailed to parents soon.

Ms Richards

Stars of the Week



For trying so hard at school, making new friends and coming in with a big smile on her face. Well done!

Mrs Dray



For trying her best in all our lessons. Well done!

Mrs Rickard & Mrs Smyth

Year 1

Ella B

For completing a wonderful piece of writing in our English lesson yesterday. Well done!

Mrs Lawrence-Jones

Year 2


For working so hard on improving her spelling, both in school and at home, and for making some excellent spelling choices in her writing. Well done!

Ms Richards & Mrs Goodwill

Head's Star of the Week

Giles (Year 2)

For being a true gentleman by holding doors open for adults. He is also a great help to the younger children as a Nursery leader. Well done!

Mr Ayling


Do you have a story or pupil achievement to share with our community?

If you have a couple of lines of information and a photograph that you and your child are happy to be shared we will try to post these at relevant times through the year.
Email our communications team
We have been learning words for members of the family in French today! 🇫🇷

We have been learning words for members of the family in French today! 🇫🇷 ...

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Great to have these visitors in the office for STAR LUNCH today! 🌟 #starsoftheweek

Great to have these visitors in the office for STAR LUNCH today! 🌟 #starsoftheweek ...

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Making helicopters in Year 2 DT! 🚁

Making helicopters in Year 2 DT! 🚁 ...

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Correction: Red Nose Day is on Friday 21 March

Red Nose Day is on Friday 21 March

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U8 & U9 Hockey vs West Buckland & Plymouth College - 30 January 2025

U8 & U9 Netball vs West Buckland & Plymouth College - 30 January 2025

Informal Brass Concert - January 2025

Careers Convention - January 2025