student house points
Pre-Prep Reflections

Pre-Prep Reflections Week 17 2024

Dear parents,

House system

This week there has been great excitement about our new house point tokens, following the launch of our house system last week. All staff have been given a box of silver tokens and encouraged to keep a few on their person. These can then be physically handed to children who go ‘above and beyond’ in any area of school life or demonstrate one of our school virtues: kindness, helpfulness, curiosity and teamwork. The children have enjoyed placing their tokens into our smart new tubes in the front entrance hall. Yesterday, everyone was given a coloured house badge to wear on their blazer and the maintenance team are busy making up some house shields that we can display in rank order each time we announce the house point totals.


Last Sunday was World Religion Day, so we have been looking at the six major world faiths in assemblies this week: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. I wonder if the children can remember anything about these religions at home, such as the names of particular holy texts or places of worship. Yesterday, we had another news assembly looking at five of this week’s top stories. This time, I challenged the children to listen carefully and answer some quiz questions relating to each news story, which they did brilliantly!


On Wednesday, Ms Simpson, Head of Exeter School, visited in the morning, while this afternoon Mrs Van came over to hear some Year 2 children read. Yesterday, our newest governor, Mrs Claire Baillie, spent the morning in school, observing lessons and chatting to staff and children. While her particular focus is on the Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception), Mrs Baillie also spent time in Years 1 and 2 to see the progression in skills and knowledge.

Staff update

In less happy news, I am sad to say that Mrs Furniss has decided to retire later this year and will be leaving us at May half term. Julie has been a special part of our school family for the past two years, wearing multiple hats as my PA, minibus chaperone and driver, setting up and serving lunch, managing all the school administration and generally keeping everything running smoothly! We have been so lucky to have benefited from her amazing support and will all miss her hugely. I will soon be advertising for a new school administrator and a part-time lunchtime assistant and we hope to use the May half term as a handover period.

Next week

Next Tuesday afternoon, I am away for the next IAPS meeting of pre-prep heads, which is being held at Monkton Combe Prep School in Bath. I will leave the school in the capable hands of Ms Richards and Mrs Martin. Year 2 children will be taking their 7+ entrance assessments for Exeter School next Friday morning and we wish them every success. Finally, I am looking forward to the quiz night on Friday evening and hope to see you there!

Diary Dates

Friday 2 February – Year 2 entrance assessments for Exeter School

Friday 2 February 7.00pm – Parent/staff quiz night *new date*

Tuesday 6 February – Safer Internet Day

Wednesday 7 February – Open morning for prospective families

Thursday 8 February – Reception trip to Pizza Express

Friday 9 February – International Day

Monday 12 to Friday 16 February – Half term

Monday 19 & Tuesday 20 February – Staff INSET days (school closed)

Wednesday 21 February – Pancake races

Thursday 7 March – World Book Day

Wednesday 13 March – Spring Reviews issued

Friday 15 March – Science Day and Red Nose Day

Wednesday 20 March 4-7.30pm – Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 27 March – Easter Theme Day

Thursday 28 March to Tuesday 16 April – Easter holidays

A list of term dates for the academic year 2024-25 is now available on the school website.

Spotlight on Reception

We have had a wonderful week of exciting learning and exploration in Reception. This term we have been learning about different countries and their cultures, with a particular focus on ‘food from around the world’. This week, we have been focusing on Australia and learning how to make Anzac biscuits. The children found out that the Anzac biscuit is a popular sweet treat in Australia and New Zealand, and was originally part of a sailor’s or soldier’s rations in World War I.

In literacy, the children watched a demonstration of how to make the biscuits and then wrote ingredient lists and recipe instructions. In mathematics, we have been developing our understanding of length, weight and capacity. We have been comparing the length and height of animals, recognising and measuring those which live in Australia and those which don’t. We also linked our mathematics learning to our PE lessons, imagining we were climbing koalas and jumping kangaroos. We have measured how high we can climb and how far we can jump.

In art, we have been looking at and painting the Australian flag, recognising the similarities and differences between other flags from around the world. To continue their learning at home, the children are hoping to follow the Anzac biscuit recipe and make them with you, which will also enable them to consolidate their mathematical learning of weight and capacity when measuring and weighing ingredients. Enjoy!

Mrs Martin and Mrs Dray

Exminster Roadworks

We have been informed by the Devington Park Estate management company that tree works will be taking place along The Avenue outside school next Monday, 29 January. This should not affect drop-off and pick-up, but all staff will be parking on site that day so there will be more parked vehicles than usual within the grounds.

You may have also seen the signs about upcoming road resurfacing along Main Road from Monday 5 February. The first phase is due to start at the junction with Sannerville Way, extending past The Avenue and up to Exminster Garage at the junction with Reddaway Drive. We have been informed that the works will take place between 9am-4pm each day and that a diversion will be in place, but access will be maintained for residents and the school; however, there may be delays, so please allow extra time for your journeys.

Whole School Theatre Trip

We are pleased to give you some advance notice of this year’s whole school theatre trip. We will be taking the children up to the Taunton Brewhouse Theatre to see The Lion Inside on the afternoon of Friday 26 April. Full details will be sent to you later on, but we thought you might like to know the date and title of the play. Nursery children who do not usually attend on Fridays are welcome to book this as an additional session. We have not told the children yet, so please keep this under wraps for now!

Quiz Night and Summer Fayre

Final call for teams to come forward for the parent/staff quiz night on Friday 2 February! This is a fun, relaxed social event for pre-prep and junior school parents and staff, held at Exeter School from 7-10pm. Entry is £5 cash per person on the door and everyone is welcome to bring their own food and drink. Teams are up to 6 people per table and anyone who wishes to come can be allocated to a team if necessary. Please let your class rep know if you would like to come.

Another date for your diary is Saturday 15 June when we will be having a summer fayre at Exeter School. The family society are currently planning this new event and further details will be shared in due course.

Easter Theme Day

On Wednesday 27 March, the last day of the spring term, the children will spend the whole day off-timetable, taking part in Easter-themed activities. We would like to invite parents to come in at 3pm for a special Easter assembly, where the children will share some of their learning with you. This will be followed by a tea party in the hall in honour of Mrs Martin, as this will be her final day at Exeter Pre-Prep School. There is no need to book. We hope you will be able to join us and, if you would like to bring a nut-free cake, please feel free!

Please note that the parent drop-in that was previously scheduled for this date will no longer take place. Instead, we will put a selection of your child’s work out on parents’ evening (Wednesday 20 March) for you to look at before or after your meeting.


There have been recent localised outbreaks of measles centred around the West Midlands. There is a risk of further outbreaks in other areas unless urgent action is taken to increase Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination take-up in areas with low rates.

Measles spreads very easily among those who are unvaccinated, especially in nurseries and schools. The best protection against measles for children and adults is to get both doses of the MMR vaccine. It is never too late to have these vaccinations.

The NHS has advice for parents on measles on its website and the Department for Education has published an Education Hub blog with guidance on measles and the MMR vaccine for parents, nurseries and schools. We will continue to monitor all children closely and contact you if we have any concerns.

Stars of the Week

students holding certificates



For settling into Nursery so well and being a helpful member of the class. Well done!

Miss Adams



For settling back into our Reception class so beautifully and demonstrating an outstanding attitude to learning. Well done!

Mrs Martin

Year 1


For trying hard with her handwriting and letter formation. Well done!

Miss Lawrence

Year 2


For being very helpful around school, working hard in class and singing beautifully in assembly. Well done!

Ms Richards & Mrs Goodwill

Head’s Star of the Week

Edward (Year 2)

For his excellent concentration and strategic thinking when playing chess at tabletop games club. Well done!

Mr Ayling

Lunchtime Tidiest Table Award

Congratulations to Reception!

We have been learning words for members of the family in French today! 🇫🇷

We have been learning words for members of the family in French today! 🇫🇷 ...

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Great to have these visitors in the office for STAR LUNCH today! 🌟 #starsoftheweek

Great to have these visitors in the office for STAR LUNCH today! 🌟 #starsoftheweek ...

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Making helicopters in Year 2 DT! 🚁

Making helicopters in Year 2 DT! 🚁 ...

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Correction: Red Nose Day is on Friday 21 March

Red Nose Day is on Friday 21 March

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Pre-Prep News