Exeter School

Missing contacts

We do not hold any details for the following people and we would love to reach out to them. If you are in contact with any of them please notify them and tell them to get in touch with alumni@exeterschool.org.uk



Missing contact names

Class of 1964

Joe Bloggs

Class of 1974

Joey Bloggs

Class of 1984

Josephina Bloggs

Class of 1994

Joy Bloggs

Class of 2004

Joanna Bloggs

Exonian Lecture

Captain Elizabeth Godwin (2004-2013) – Life Guards Squadron- will share her experiences and give a first-hand insight into her career to date. She will explore nationally significant events as well as her day-to-day responsibilities as the leader of Sqn 2iC, which include running the Life Guards squadron of 60 soldiers and 100 Military Working Horses.

Friday 7 February, 6-8pm Exeter School main hall.

Click here to book tickets