Department aims
The junior school programme is inclusive, and our aim is to ensure that physical education, sport, and physical activity should be an integral part of every pupil’s school experience and weekly routine. We want all our pupils to have access to a wide variety of sports in the hope that they find a sport or activity that they are passionate about and enjoy taking part in, and will continue to do so throughout their time at school.
We want our pupils to be active and engaged in weekly physical activity, to enjoy participating in physical education, sport & physical activity. We also want all of our pupils to have a sense of achievement from their involvement in curriculum lessons and extra-curricular activities and understand the benefits of being physically active on their well-being and physical, social, and moral development.
The department
Exeter School is fortunate to have an excellent physical education department made up of seven full time and two part time PE teachers who are supported by two athletic development coaches and a hockey performance coach. The department work across the senior and junior school.
The junior school sports programme is led by the Head of Junior School sport who is supported by some experienced academic staff, many of whom have been involved in competitive sport. This team help coach and manage teams with the support of the PE department and specialist external coaches in football, hockey, swimming, squash, and tennis.