Exeter School

Amy Swiggs (2005-2016)

PhD Researcher, Northumbria University.

Amy is a PhD Researcher with the Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling at Northumbria University, Newcastle. Her research focuses on Artic and Antarctic climate change, investigating how these vital and fragile regions are changing and how this will impact our planet.

Amy attended Exeter School from junior school to sixth form and took full advantage of every opportunity that the school had to offer. Following her time here, Amy went on to study Geography at the University of Sheffield, where she developed her passion of climate research. Amy furthered her education at Sheffield by obtaining her master’s degree in polar science, winning an award for her research into how Greenland’s melting glaciers are influencing the marine environment.

Amy secured a PhD position to continue researching the polar regions using satellite observations, including recently spending three months in Rome as a visiting scientist at the European Space Agency. She has been fortunate to conduct fieldwork in the Arctic, taking measurements in Greenland for a European Space Agency satellite validation campaign, and spending a month on a ship in the Arctic Ocean to characterise the physical and biogeochemical signals of sea ice as it drifts southwards. Additionally, Amy has a keen interest in science policy, and recently attended the United Nations Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona to advocate for the inclusion of polar oceans in the United Nations decadal policy aims. She is also passionate about scientific outreach and encouraging young people into science and research.

Outside of science, Amy spends her time outdoors, particularly scuba diving and wild swimming. She furthered these hobbies with the support of an OE Grant from the school, where she conducted reef monitoring research in Madagascar during her gap year.