Upcoming Alumni Events

Please do join us at one of our upcoming events. If you haven’t received an invitation, or have a question about our events, please do get in touch with the Alumni and Development office at alumni@exeterschool.org.uk, or call us on 01392 307080. We hope to see you at an event soon.

Monday 31 March – OE football and mixed hockey matches

Please get in touch with the Alumni and Development office if you would like to play.


Wednesday 2 April – Class of 1955 anniversary

Invitations to this event have been sent out. Please contact the Alumni and Development office with any questions.

Thursday 15 May - Alumni and donors’ reception at the Devon County Show

Join us on the school stand on the afternoon of Thursday 15 May!

Wednesday 21 May – London drinks and class of 2015 anniversary

It would be wonderful to see you at The Swan, Hyde Park in May. You can find further information and the booking link here.

Saturday 7 June – School fete

All alumni are welcome to come and spend the afternoon at school. An invitation will be sent in due course.

Saturday 7 June - Anniversary dinner – ’65, ’75, ’85, ’90, ’95, ‘05

Invitations have been sent to those whose year group completed their U6 year in one of the above year groups – please get in touch with the office if you have not received yours. If you are not part of one of these year groups but would like to attend the dinner please do get in touch with the office.

Saturday 28 June – OE cross country

Join us for our annual Exmouth to Budleigh Salterton cross country race!

Meet at the Maer car park, Exmouth (EX8 2DA) for a 3pm race start. The race distance is approximately four miles. We start at the Maer car park and run along the South West Coast path to finish at Jubilee Field Budleigh Salterton.

There is usually a post-race picnic at the finish line, weather permitting, so feel free to bring food and drink to share. Lifts are usually available from Budleigh Salterton back to Exmouth.

No need to register, but if you can let the Alumni and Development office know if you are planning to be there that would be helpful.

Thank you to Rees Jenkins (1988-1993) for organising the race.

Friday 5 September – Charity touch rugby match

Full details to follow – please get in touch with the Alumni and Development office if you are interested in playing or supporting.

Friday 5 September – Classes of ’23, ’24, ’25 drinks

Full details to follow.

Friday 3 October – Exonian Quiz

Full details to follow.