A Day at the Junior School

Junior School

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Our junior school is situated on the same site as the senior school which allows for easier drop off for parents. We go into our homerooms, of which there are usually only two per year, for registration and move around our day with our class.
Period 1
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We have our own computer suite in the junior school and we love exploring AI, robotics, coding and Minecraft and how we can expand our curriculum for the future.
Period 2
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We feel safe and secure to join in our class discussions. Making mistakes is how we learn best.
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Not only do we have our own outdoor play equipment complete with a castle, climbing frames and outdoor walk, but we also have ample space for friendly sports matches and use of the whole school playing fields.
students in the library
Period 3
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Our junior school library hosts wonderful opportunities - not only is there lots of reading material but we can become library prefects, aiding others to borrow items but we can also write reviews and create wonderful displays.
Period 4
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Specialist music teachers assist us to all get hands-on instrument practice in our classes. We also love to use music making apps on the ipad to lay down tracks as well as learning the more traditional music theory.
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Lunch is provided by Sodexo in our main dining hall. We take lunch before our senior school counterparts and there's always a lot of choice. For new pupils, we have a buddy lunch system and sometimes we eat in House groups to meet new friends.
Period 5
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Our art studios are well equipped for printing, painting, pottery work and more. If we need more space or equipment, we can also use the senior school studios and gallery space.
Period 6
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We have our own specialist staff for junior school along with full courts on campus and across the road on Victoria Park Road. We get to play interschool tournaments and have ample opportunities to take part in sports clubs.
Period 7
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We are amazing writers with our core skills being practiced daily in our homeroom spaces. We love creative writing the most so that we can explore our vocabulary and Form One even have a 'Poetree' in their classroom!
Form time and end of the school day
3.15pm – 3.40pm
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This part of the day allows us to reflect upon our day. We may watch Newsround and learn about current affairs or go through important reminders which helps to develop our personal organisation skills.
Late room
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If parents need more time to finish their working day, we can relax in the late room or after school clubs. It gives us the opportunity to do our homework with friends or explore other interests and passions.