News and Events

Informal Woodwind Concert 2025

Posted: 14th March 2025

The last of our spring term Informal Concerts took place in the Music Hall on Wednesday 12 March, and featured many of the school’s woodwind instrumentalists.

All the woodwind families of instruments were represented in both individual performances and within the three ensembles that took to the stage – Wind Ensemble and Sax Ensemble, both directed by Miss Dean, and Flute Ensemble, directed by Mrs Molins.

It was a very full programme with a large number of higher grade instrumentalists performing longer pieces, which will have undoubtedly inspired the younger, less experienced players.  The instrument that was most frequently represented was the saxophone, with many opening the concert as they also had a Jazz Band 1 rehearsal to attend.

Click here to listen to the concert

We have one final informal concert this academic year, which is an open event for any instrument, scheduled for Wednesday 18 June.  Audiences do not need to wait until then to enjoy more Exeter School music though, as it is the Junior Spring Concert on the afternoon of 1 April, and the senior Charity Spring Concert the following day, in St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Heavitree.  Tickets for the latter event are now available via the My School Portal box office.


You can view the images from the concert below:

Informal Woodwind Concert - 12 March 2025

Categories: Music Senior School