Pre-Prep Reflections Week 16 January 2025

Dear parents,

We are now two weeks into the term and the children have (mostly) got over their initial tiredness and the slog of coming back to school in the dark depths of winter! Fortunately we have had some lovely sunny days this week and no rain stopping us from playing outside. In assemblies, we have been learning about the six major world faiths, ahead of World Religion Day this Sunday, and the Year 2 children have particularly impressed us with their recall of knowledge from RE lessons.

Welcome back, Mrs Tyler!

We were delighted to have Mrs Tyler back in school this week, following surgery to have her appendix removed – on New Year’s Eve, no less! She is back in school on light duties and we have reminded all of the children to be extra cautious around her in the playground. I am sure Year 1 will be super helpful herons over the next few weeks while she gets back to full fitness.

Exeter School ISI inspection report

Many of you will know that Exeter School was visited by a team of inspectors from the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) back in November. The final report was published last week. We would like to wish our colleagues and former pupils many congratulations on achieving another excellent report. You can read our summary highlights and the full inspection report below.

  Click here to read the latest ISI report

Visitors this week

We have had lots of lovely visitors this week! Miss Rose came over on Monday to do an assembly on trees, linked to the Jewish festival of Tu BiShvat. Mrs Van spent most of the morning with us yesterday, and in the afternoon Rev Close popped in to say hello. We also welcomed Mr Cunningham, head of junior school mathematics, into school yesterday afternoon to spend some time with Ms Richards looking at how we can align the pre-prep and junior school mathematics curriculum more closely in the future.

Nursery practitioner

We are currently advertising for a qualified Nursery Practitioner to cover Mrs Wannell’s maternity leave, starting in late May/early June. This is a rare opportunity to join our friendly, dedicated team, working with the most wonderful children! If you know of anyone who may be interested, please point them in the direction of our advert below or ask them to get in touch with me.

 Click here for more information about the Nursery practitioner role

Next week

We look forward to welcoming Bonnie into the Nursery class next Tuesday. I also hope to see lots of you at the Quiz Night over at Exeter School next Friday evening – further details below; if you haven’t yet booked your place, please do so over the weekend.

I hope you all have a relaxing weekend.

Mr Daniel Ayling

Diary Dates

Friday 24 January – Pre-Prep and Junior School Quiz Night

Friday 31 January – 7+ assessment morning for Year 2

Tuesday 11 February – Open morning for prospective families

Friday 14 February – International theme day

Monday 17 to Friday 21 February – Half term (school closed)

Monday 24 February – Exeter School EdFest25 (school closed)

Tuesday 25 February – Staff INSET day (school closed)

Tuesday 4 March – Pancake races

Thursday 6 March – World Book Day

Monday 10 March – Spring Reviews issued

Friday 14 March – Red Nose Day

Wednesday 19 March – Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 26 March – Informal parent drop-in

Thursday 3 April – Easter theme day and end of spring term (3.30pm)

Friday 4 to Tuesday 22 April – Easter break (school closed)

Term dates for 2024-25 and 2025-26 are available to download from the school website.

Exonian lecture

Captain Elizabeth Godwin – Life Guards Squadron

Captain Elizabeth Godwin was born in Devon and attended Exeter School from the age of 7 – 15. She graduated from King’s College London, qualifying as a Nurse in 2015. Whilst at university Captain Godwin commissioned into the Reserves and captained the 1st XI Hockey team.

Captain Godwin commissioned from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst as the first female officer in the Life Guards, The Household Cavalry, since the regiment formed in 1661. She was also awarded the Sword of Honour as the best cadet in her intake.

Captain Godwin will share her experiences and give a first-hand insight into her career to date. She will explore nationally significant events as well as her day-to-day responsibilities as the leader of Sqn 2iC, which include running the Life Guards squadron of 60 soldiers and 100 Military Working Horses.

Friday 7 February, 6-8pm Exeter School main hall.

Click here to book tickets

Spotlight on Year 1

We have had a great week in Year 1! In mathematics, we have been learning about counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Our English lessons have focused on the traditional tale Little Red Riding Hood. We enjoyed discussing the story, sequencing the events and comparing it with the stories Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion. The children made some brilliant comparisons between these two stories and we discussed which one they preferred and why. Half of the class enjoyed their swimming lesson at Exeter School on Wednesday morning, where they worked on their frog legs as part of their breaststroke technique. The remaining children did some excellent gymnastics linking to the traditional tale The Three Little Pigs. They performed a sequence of movements and worked hard on ensuring their balances were still and strong. In geography, the children learnt about the seven continents of the world and we enjoyed looking in the atlases to find out more information about the continents and their countries. The focus in computing has been on floor robots and the children have enjoyed programming Bee-Bots and Mousebots. In art, the children have continued their work on flora and fauna by expanding their mark making using graphite and oil pastels. We are really proud of the children’s hard work and the progress they are all making.

Mrs Lawrence-Jones, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Tyler 

Late arrival

Please may we remind parents that registers are taken at 8.50am. Now that we are using an online system, the morning registration period ‘closes’ at 9am, at which point registers are no longer accessible to teachers and absences start to be followed up by Ms AJ. If you arrive after 9am, please take your child into school via the front door, rather than directly to the classroom door. You will need to sign your child in at the school office before they head to their classroom. Ms AJ will then amend the register accordingly. Thank you for your support.

Quiz Night

This is the final call for parents to sign up for the quiz night next week on Friday 24 January. A fun, relaxed social event for pre-prep and junior school parents and staff, the event is held at Exeter School and we would love to see you there! Entry is £5 per person on the door and everyone is welcome to bring their own food and drink. Teams are up to 6 people per table and anyone who wishes to come can be allocated to a team if necessary. Please book your places below and entering the password ESFS1633.

Click here to book tickets

Stars of the Week



For being a really kind friend and for listening so well this week. Well done!

Mrs Dray



For having such a positive attitude towards his learning. Well done!

Mrs Rickard & Mrs Smyth

Year 1


For working so hard with his reading and making good progress. Well done!

Mrs Lawrence-Jones


Year 2


For the excellent progress he is making with his writing. Well done!

Ms Richards & Mrs Goodwill

Head's Star of the Week

Bodhi (Nursery)

For being a kind kingfisher and sharing so nicely with other children. Well done!

Mr Ayling

Fortnightly house point totals

1st – Bridgwater (Green): 127

2nd – Brixham (Yellow): 121

3rd – Devonport (Red): 116

4th – Bideford (Blue): 115


Do you have a story or pupil achievement to share with our community?

If you have a couple of lines of information and a photograph that you and your child are happy to be shared we will try to post these at relevant times through the year.
Email our communications team
We have been learning words for members of the family in French today! 🇫🇷

We have been learning words for members of the family in French today! 🇫🇷 ...

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Great to have these visitors in the office for STAR LUNCH today! 🌟 #starsoftheweek

Great to have these visitors in the office for STAR LUNCH today! 🌟 #starsoftheweek ...

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Making helicopters in Year 2 DT! 🚁

Making helicopters in Year 2 DT! 🚁 ...

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Correction: Red Nose Day is on Friday 21 March

Red Nose Day is on Friday 21 March

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