Pre-Prep Reflections

Pre-Prep Reflections Week 7 October 2024

Dear parents,

What a busy week it has been getting things wrapped up before half term! Today, we had our first ever house lunch, where the children sat with other members of their house. Each house had a different ‘question of the day’ to discuss. We even had special house coloured napkins and cupcakes for dessert! Thanks to Mrs Lawrence-Jones for organising this.

Class Reps and School Council

On Monday, I had my first meeting of the year with the class reps. Thank you for all the positive feedback and suggestions, which I will share with staff. I also had the pleasure of meeting with our new school council reps on Monday, who were brimming with wonderful ideas as always. They are very excited about the upcoming disco, further details of which you can read in the article below.


This week, I have been fortunate to have had some help with assemblies from the heads of Exeter Junior School and Exeter School. On Tuesday, before having lunch with the children, Mrs Van took an assembly on keeping safe and reminded them about some of our key safeguarding rules, with the help of Egbert the egg! On Wednesday, Ms Simpson spoke to the children about the importance of character, before having the pleasure of hearing children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 read.

Harvest festival assembly

Thank you to those of you who were able to join us for the harvest festival assembly this afternoon. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! The children were excellent and performed with real confidence. We were all very proud of them. We have had so many donations of food and household items over the past couple of weeks, which have now been collected by Westbank for use in their Exminster and Starcross community larders. Thanks again for your generosity and support.

Half term

Over half term, there will be a few projects taking place in school. The rear Reception classroom extension is being reglazed to provide better insulation and safer access to the outdoor area, the kitchen by the front entrance door is being converted into a new school office for AJ, and there will be ongoing maintenance to the roof and the flooring in the hall. Finally, I would like to send our love and warmest wishes to Freddy in Year 1 and his family, who are relocating to the Netherlands over half term. We wish them every happiness.

Wishing you all a restful and very happy half term. We look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday 4 November.

Mr Daniel Ayling

Diary Dates

21 October to 1 November – Half term (2 weeks)

Monday 11 November – Odd socks day for Anti-Bullying Week

Friday 15 November – Non-uniform day for Children in Need

Wednesday 20 November 2.15pm – 7+ assessment parent information meeting

Wednesday 27 November 4-7.30pm – Parents’ evening

Wednesday 4 December 3.45-4.45pm – Pre-Prep Disco

Tuesday 10 December 3pm – Informal parent drop-in

Thursday 12 & Friday 13 December 2.30pm – Nativity performances

Monday 16 December – Christmas jumper day

Tuesday 17 December – Christmas pantomime

Wednesday 18 December – End of autumn term (12 noon)

A list of term dates for the academic year 2024-25 is available on the school website

Spotlight on Year 1

We have had a great week in Year 1. In English, we have continued to focus on our handwriting and letter formation. We have been learning all about length, height and mass in mathematics. We have enjoyed working as vets to identify the right size cage for different animals, ordering ourselves by height and weighing different classroom objects. In our computing lessons, we learnt about how to use devices safely and responsibly. In geography, we have enjoyed learning about navigation skills using a compass and we identified different locations on a map following directional clues. While half the class enjoyed their swimming lesson at Exeter School, the remaining children enjoyed revisiting the skills we have learnt this half term in our gymnastics ‘animal’ unit. The children enjoyed performing their autumn poem and songs to visitors this afternoon during the harvest assembly. We are very proud of how hard the children have worked this half term and the progress they have all made already.

Mrs Lawrence-Jones, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Tyler

Pre-Prep Disco

The Family Society have kindly agreed to run a disco at the pre-prep, following the success of last year’s junior school disco. This will take place on Wednesday 4 December from 3.45-4.45pm. The team from Sporty Stars will be hosting a ‘glow in the dark’ disco in the school hall. There will, therefore, be no multisports or art club that day. Late Room will continue to run until 5.30pm in the Nursery classroom. We hope you will support this new event and look forward to sharing more details after half term. In the meantime, please save the date!

Whole school photo

Tempest photography are pleased to report that our whole school group photograph is now available to view and order via the following weblink:

 Click here to view and order

Please include your child’s full name to assist with distribution at the school. Order within two weeks to avoid P&P charges (delivery to school). For assistance, please call 01736 752411 – option 3 to place an order (P&P applies) and option 5 for customer services.

House point totals

The tokens have been counted for the final time before half term and here are the totals for the last two weeks:

Bridgwater (Green): 112

Bideford (Blue): 103

Brixham (Yellow): 101

Devonport (Red): 100

Congratulations to Bridgwater!

Mrs Lawrence-Jones, Head of Pastoral Care

Stars of the Week



For trying so hard during the harvest assembly rehearsals and joining in with the singing beautifully. Well done!

Mrs Dray



For always demonstrating our curious curlew school virtue in phonics lessons when sorting bouncy and stretchy sounds. Well done!

Mrs Rickard & Mrs Smyth

Year 1


For working so hard in our mathematics lessons this week. Well done!

Mrs Lawrence-Jones

Year 2


For working so hard during all our lessons and making very good progress this half term. Well done!

Ms Richards & Mrs Goodwill

Head's Star of the Week

Sophie (Reception)

For her excellent listening and contributions in all our PSED lessons this half term. Well done!

Mr Ayling


Do you have a story or pupil achievement to share with our community?

If you have a couple of lines of information and a photograph that you and your child are happy to be shared we will try to post these at relevant times through the year.
Email our communications team
What a rabble! 🥰

What a rabble! 🥰 ...

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Year 1 have been designing their own PANTS this afternoon in PSHE! 🩲

Year 1 have been designing their own PANTS this afternoon in PSHE! 🩲 ...

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Another dressage ‘special’ rosette last Saturday for one of our Year 2 girls and Pepper the horse. Congratulations!

Another dressage ‘special’ rosette last Saturday for one of our Year 2 girls and Pepper the horse. Congratulations! ...

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Nearly half term, Ruffles. Hang in there! 💤

Nearly half term, Ruffles. Hang in there! 💤 ...

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Pre-Prep 7+ taster day

Stover trip 2024

U2 Lulworth Cove trip 2024

4F Plymouth aquarium 2024

Field day - Oct 2024

3F Heatree residential 2024