Pre-Prep Reflections

Pre-Prep Reflections Week 6 October 2024

Dear parents,

Governors’ meeting

On Monday, I attended the first meeting of the newly formed education committee over at Exeter School. Led by one of our governors, Claire Baillie, I presented to governors and school leaders on the priorities, challenges and success criteria for Exeter Pre-Prep over the next three years. There is much to celebrate as we reflect on the last three years, culminating in our ISI inspection last term. The staff are now looking forward to taking the school into its next exciting phase of development.

Taster day

Yesterday, Year Two spent the whole day at Exeter Junior School for their first taster day. The children spent time with the Year Three teachers, Mrs Hardy and Mrs Handley, and took part in English, science, computer science, music and art lessons. They were very well behaved and there was much enthusiasm about the lunch! We will be sharing details of further taster visits and workshops in due course.

World Mental Health Day

Yesterday, we marked World Mental Health Day with a special assembly focusing on the importance of talking to others and sharing worries. I also had the opportunity to take some Forest School sessions and witness first hand the positive impact that being outside surrounded by nature has on the children’s wellbeing and happiness levels. The sunshine and hot chocolate was an added bonus!

Next week

I am planning to meet with this year’s class reps on Monday morning. If you would like to share any feedback, please do get in touch with them – further details in the article below. I will also be holding the first school council meeting of the year next week. Thank you to those of you who have already sent in harvest donations. Please keep them coming and we look forward to seeing parents at the harvest assembly next Friday.

Mr Daniel Ayling

Diary Dates

Monday 14 October 8.50am – Class Reps meeting

Friday 18 October 3pm – Harvest assembly for parents

21 October to 1 November – Half term (2 weeks)

Wednesday 20 November 2.15pm – 7+ assessment parent information meeting

Wednesday 27 November 4-7.30pm – Parents’ evening

Tuesday 10 December 3pm – Informal parent drop-in

Thursday 12 & Friday 13 December 2.30pm – Nativity performances

Monday 16 December – Christmas jumper day

Tuesday 17 December – Christmas pantomime

Wednesday 18 December – End of autumn term (12 noon)

A list of term dates for the academic year 2024-25 is available on the school website.

Spotlight on Year 2

We have had a lovely week in Year 2. In English, we have continued our work on Africa and have learnt all about recounts. We have been learning all about subtraction in mathematics following a week on addition, last week. Our science focus has been on physical exercise and we had great fun testing out how different activities affected our heart rates. In geography, we have enjoyed learning about the continents and oceans of the world through song and learnt about the climates of different regions. The focus in computing has been using different forms of IT safely and understanding the rules associated with them. The children have continued to explore spirals in art by making observational drawings using a continuous line, and experimenting with mark-making using soluble pens. The highlight of the week has been the Year Two taster day at Exeter Junior School; the children were beautifully behaved and had a lovely time doing a range of different activities.

Ms Richards, Mrs Goodwill and Mrs Titchin

Google Classroom homework

Now that the Google Classrooms are up and running for Years 1 and 2, please can we ask that all homework is submitted online only. The simplest way to do this is by downloading the app and uploading photographs or scans of the work.

If for some reason you are unable to submit the homework online, please then send a paper copy into school. There is no need to send paper copies into school if you have been able to submit photographs or scanned copies online.

The teachers do check each child’s work carefully online and write a comment for each piece, so please check back and share this feedback with your child. The easiest way to ensure you see the comments is to allow notifications via the app settings.

Mrs Goodwill, Ms Richards and Mrs Lawrence-Jones

Class reps meeting

The class reps for this year are:

  • Lindsey Heyward (Nursery)
  • Jenny Cotton (Reception)
  • Bethan Helm (Year 1)
  • Ralph Wopshott (Year 2)

We will be meeting on Monday morning to discuss the topics below. If you have any feedback on these or any other school matter, please get in touch with your class rep:

  • Any feedback on the parent welcome evening and phonics workshop at the start of term.
  • Any feedback on the new photography company, Pret-a-Portrait. We used them for the first time to do class photos last term and individual/sibling photos at the start of this term. What do parents think of the quality, style of photos, price, ordering process, etc? How do they compare with the previous provider, Tempest?
  • The family society are planning a disco for the pre-prep children (provisional date of Wednesday 4 December, 5-6pm) and the quiz night for pre-prep and junior school parents (usually Jan/Feb). Would any parents like to join the family society and help with the organisation and/or running of these events?


Harvest Assembly

Parents are warmly invited to attend our harvest assembly on Friday 18 October from 3pm in the school hall. You do not need to reserve tickets. Nursery children who do not attend on Fridays are welcome to join parents in the audience.

We will once again be supporting our local food bank, the Westbank community larder, and would welcome non-perishable donations to be brought into school by the children from Monday next week. All donations are welcome but priority items listed by the charity are:

  • Fruit squash and fruit juice (long life)
  • Tinned meat, fish, vegetables, potatoes
  • Tinned soup, tinned pies
  • Biscuits
  • Dry noodle snacks
  • Pasta sauces
  • Jams and spreads
  • Custard
  • Sponge pudding
  • Coffee
  • Household items (washing up liquid, laundry capsules, etc.)

We would appreciate it if items could be sent in carrier bags or small boxes to aid transportation. Every item will be used to help a local person or family in need. Thank you in advance for your support.

Mrs Wannell, Charities Co-ordinator

Stars of the Week



For coming into school with a big smile on her face and trying so hard during the harvest festival  practice. Well done!

Mrs Dray



For learning his number bonds to 5 this week and remembering our ‘bonds to 5’ rhyme. Well done!

Mrs Rickard & Mrs Smyth

Year 1


For working so hard with her handwriting and presentation of her work. Well done!

Mrs Lawrence-Jones

Year 2


For her very accurate subtraction work in mathematics. Well done!

Ms Richards & Mrs Goodwill

Head's Star of the Week

Henry (Year 1)

For being kind, helpful and listening really well at Forest School this week. Well done!

Mr Ayling


Do you have a story or pupil achievement to share with our community?

If you have a couple of lines of information and a photograph that you and your child are happy to be shared we will try to post these at relevant times through the year.
Email our communications team
What a rabble! 🥰

What a rabble! 🥰 ...

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Year 1 have been designing their own PANTS this afternoon in PSHE! 🩲

Year 1 have been designing their own PANTS this afternoon in PSHE! 🩲 ...

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Another dressage ‘special’ rosette last Saturday for one of our Year 2 girls and Pepper the horse. Congratulations!

Another dressage ‘special’ rosette last Saturday for one of our Year 2 girls and Pepper the horse. Congratulations! ...

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Nearly half term, Ruffles. Hang in there! 💤

Nearly half term, Ruffles. Hang in there! 💤 ...

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Pre-Prep 7+ taster day

Stover trip 2024

U2 Lulworth Cove trip 2024

Stover trip 2024

Exonian Quiz - Friday 27 September

3F Heatree residential 2024