Pre-Prep Reflections

Pre-Prep Reflections Week 3 September 2024

Dear parents,

The weather has been much kinder this week and we have all enjoyed spending more time outside in our beautiful grounds.

Heritage Open Day

We had a good number of visitors for Heritage Open Day last Saturday, including lots of Exminster locals who had never been inside the building before, and several stained glass window enthusiasts! We also put out a display of old photographs and artefacts from the school archives for people to look at. It is always fun to hear people’s stories about the history of the former hospital, the chapel and the school, and we hope to repeat this event next year.

Parent workshop

It was great to see so many parents at the phonics workshop on Tuesday afternoon. Thanks to Ms Richards and Mrs Rickard for preparing and delivering such an informative presentation. We hope you found it useful.

Flu vaccines

The NHS immunisation team visited yesterday morning to give nasal flu vaccines to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The children were all very brave and so polite! It is quite common for children to feel under the weather for a few days after the spray, but hopefully having them so early in the season will reduce the amount of illness as we head into winter. If you missed the consenting process and still wish your child to have the flu vaccine, please call the immunisation team on 01392 342 678 and they will book you into one of their community clinics. If you completed a consent form, but your child was absent from school yesterday, you will automatically receive an invitation to book into a clinic online.

Open morning

Our first open morning of the year yesterday was another successful event with several prospective families touring the school and interest in all year groups. The weather was perfect and there was a great buzz, with children out at Forest School or taking part in interactive lessons in their classrooms. The children were very welcoming to all our visitors and impressed everyone with their happy, positive approach to learning and lovely manners!

New shed

You may have noticed our smart new PE shed in the playground, which replaced our rather tired old grey shed after many years of use. We now have more space to store PE equipment and playground toys, and the children have loved playing with the new space hoppers, balance stilts and digging tools that last year’s Year 2 parents bought as leaving gifts.

Next week

Next Tuesday morning, we will be transporting all pre-prep children over to Exeter School for a whole school photograph. This is the first time we have attempted this and I’m sure it will be an exciting experience for everyone. Please could you ensure that your child arrives at school wearing smart uniform and with neat hair, and we will endeavour to keep them that way until the photo is taken – wish us luck!

Mr Daniel Ayling

Diary Dates

Friday 4 October 2.30pm – Grandparents’ afternoon

Saturday 5 October – Exeter School open morning

Thursday 10 October – Year 2 taster day at Exeter School

Friday 18 October 3pm – Harvest assembly for parents

21 October to 1 November – Half term (2 weeks)

Wednesday 20 November 2.15pm – 7+ assessment parent information meeting

Wednesday 27 November 4.00-7.30pm – Parents’ evening

Tuesday 10 December 3pm – Informal parent drop-in

Thursday 12 & Friday 13 December 2.30pm – Nativity performances

Tuesday 17 December – Christmas pantomime

Wednesday 18 December – End of autumn term (12 noon)

A list of term dates for the academic year 2024-25 is available on the school website.

Spotlight on Year 1

The Year 1 children have settled very well into our new routines and topics. In mathematics, we have been exploring different ways of representing and writing numbers. In English, we have been focusing on phonics and handwriting; the children are working very hard on their letter formation. In science, we have been learning about different types of animals and how we can group them. Our computing lesson this week involved exploring the different technology we have in the classroom and considering how we use technology in our everyday lives. Our RE topic for this term is ‘belonging’ and we learnt about who we are and how we belong to our school community. The children also enjoyed their weekly Forest School lesson which involved identifying leaves from the variety of trees on the school grounds and there were lots of wonderful leaf rubbings created.

Mrs Lawrence-Jones, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Tyler

Don’t you just love IT?

Google Classroom

We apologise for the delay in getting the Google Classroom set up for Year 1 and 2 homework. This is due to a technical issue which the IT team are working on. Thank you for bearing with us – hopefully it will be resolved soon. In the meantime, homework has been sent home on paper. Please remember that all homework tasks are optional.

Emails sent through iSAMS

A number of parents have made us aware that they are not receiving emails since we started using iSAMS. This includes the newsletter. In some cases, the emails are going to junk folders and you may need to update your settings. In other instances, the problem appears to be that emails are being treated as ‘phish’ emails and are therefore not getting through. We have logged the issue with iSAMS Support and they are working on a solution. Thanks again for your patience.

Year 2 Leadership Roles

Congratulations to our Year 2 children who have been assigned the following leadership roles for this half term. Badges, lanyards and caps were presented in assembly today and the children have already made a great start in their roles. These roles rotate every half term so that the children experience different responsibilities across the year.

School Council Reps (elected by the class)

Matilda B

Levi H

Assembly Leaders

Amelia B

Charlie C

Wilby Y

Digital Leaders

Giles D

Sophie D

Nikolai E

Library Leaders

Salvi G

Niamh G-S

Santi G

Lunch Leaders

Will H

Benjamin K

Oscar Z

Playground Leaders

Holly L

Luke M

Martha M

Nursery Leaders

Ru S

Evie T

Ben W

School Council

In assembly on Monday, the children were introduced to the British value of democracy, following International Day of Democracy on 15 September. Each term, we ask every child in the school to take part in the democratic process of voting for one girl and one boy in their class to be school council representatives. Congratulations to the following children who have been elected this term and will attend their first meeting with Mr Ayling soon. Badges were awarded to each child in assembly today.


Sophie S

Sullivan M


Cleo G-S

Nikola E

Year 1

Aelia R

Jack S

Year 2

Matilda B

Levi H

House point totals

The children are doing so well earning house point tokens for demonstrating our school character virtues by being kind kingfishers, helpful herons, curious curlews and teamwork turtle doves! The children deposit their tokens in the tubes in the front entrance hall. We then count the house points every two weeks and reveal the totals in celebration assembly on Fridays. This week, we took delivery of some very smart new house shields, which are now on display in the hall. Here are the totals from today:


Brixham (Yellow): 134

Bridgwater (Green): 127

Bideford (Blue): 117

Devonport (Red): 106


Congratulations to Brixham!

Stars of the Week



For her amazing work in Maths this week, always trying her hardest and growing in confidence. Well done!

Mrs Dray


Max D

For reading so confidently and trying hard with his key words. Well done!

Mrs Rickard & Mrs Smyth

Year 1


For working very hard with his handwriting and letter formation in our daily English lessons. Well done!

Mrs Lawrence-Jones

Year 2

Benjamin K

For writing some wonderfully descriptive sentences, using adjectives and adverbs, in our ‘African Tails’ topic in English. Well done!

Ms Richards & Mrs Goodwill

Head's Star of the Week

William (Reception)

For being a curious curlew and trying lots of new foods at lunchtime. Well done!

Mr Ayling


Do you have a story or pupil achievement to share with our community?

If you have a couple of lines of information and a photograph that you and your child are happy to be shared we will try to post these at relevant times through the year.
Email our communications team
What a rabble! 🥰

What a rabble! 🥰 ...

10 1
Year 1 have been designing their own PANTS this afternoon in PSHE! 🩲

Year 1 have been designing their own PANTS this afternoon in PSHE! 🩲 ...

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Another dressage ‘special’ rosette last Saturday for one of our Year 2 girls and Pepper the horse. Congratulations!

Another dressage ‘special’ rosette last Saturday for one of our Year 2 girls and Pepper the horse. Congratulations! ...

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Nearly half term, Ruffles. Hang in there! 💤

Nearly half term, Ruffles. Hang in there! 💤 ...

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Clubs and societies fair 2024

Third Form social

Lt O'Connor receives awards

Year 1 visit to Clyst St George Fire Station