Pre-Prep Reflections

Pre-Prep Reflections Week 2 September 2024

Dear parents,

Welcome back

The first full week back has been a busy and exciting one. We are so impressed with how well all the children are settling in and engaging with their learning. Our newly decorated school bus made its belated debut on Tuesday, while Years 1 and 2 enjoyed their first swimming lessons of the year at Exeter School. Next week, we look forward to welcoming two new pupils, Luna and Aurora, into Nursery class.


You may have received an email today from Pret-a-Portrait with a link to view the photos of your child that were taken last week. We will be sending home cards next week with details of how to order photos, so please don’t worry if you haven’t had an email. On Tuesday, we had photographer Mark Lockett in school all morning to take candid shots of the children taking part in their learning. These will be used to update our marketing images in the year ahead and we look forward to sharing them.

Family Society

On Thursday morning, I met with members of the Family Society at Exeter School. This is a group of pre-prep, junior and senior school parents who meet regularly to organise social events for the school community, such as the summer fete. We had a great turn out for the first meeting and discussed plans for pre-prep and junior school discos, the parent/staff quiz night, a sixth form winter ball and this year’s summer fete. If you would like to join the Family Society, please let me know and I will pass on the relevant contact details.


After the rather wet and chilly start to the term, please may I remind parents again that all children need to have a warm coat and welly boots in school at all times. Please ensure that these are clearly named so that we can return them to the rightful owner. Thank you.

Next week

From next week, Years 1 and 2 will be split into two smaller groups for swimming lessons. A letter has been emailed to parents today about this. Next Thursday is our open morning for prospective parents, as well as flu vaccinations for children in Reception to Year 2 if you have given consent. Tomorrow I will be opening up the school building for Heritage Open Day between 11am and 2pm. Hopefully we will have good weather and plenty of visitors!

Mr Daniel Ayling

Diary Dates

Saturday 14 September 11am-2pm – Heritage open day

Tuesday 17 September – Phonics and reading parent workshop

Thursday 19 September – Open morning for prospective families

Thursday 19 September – Flu immunisations for Reception-Year 2

Friday 4 October 2.30pm – Grandparents’ afternoon

Saturday 5 October – Exeter School open morning

Thursday 10 October – Year 2 taster day at Exeter School

Friday 18 October 3pm – Harvest assembly for parents

21 October to 1 November – Half term (2 weeks)

Wednesday 20 November 2.15pm – 7+ assessment parent information meeting

Wednesday 27 November 4.00-7.30pm – Parents’ evening

Tuesday 10 December 3pm – Informal parent drop-in

Thursday 12 & Friday 13 December 2.30pm – Nativity performances

Tuesday 17 December – Christmas pantomime

Wednesday 18 December – End of autumn term (12 noon)

A list of term dates for the academic year 2024-25 is available on the school website.

Spotlight on Year 2

We have had a brilliant first full week in Year 2. In English, we have started our fiction topic on ‘Africa’ by writing descriptive sentences related to safari pictures. This links to our geography topic, ‘what a wonderful world’ where, this week, we practised naming continents and oceans and used songs to help us. In mathematics, we have been exploring numbers and looked at representing numbers in different ways. Our science topic is ‘animals including humans’, and this week, we looked at matching adult animals to their offspring and categorising animals in different ways. In art this week, the children have explored different qualities of line, colour blending and mark making to create beautiful spiral drawings. Have a look at our Key Stage 1 Art display board to see the stunning results! Last week in computing, we learnt about what information technology is; this week, we have been identifying the uses of information technology in school. We have been very impressed with the way in which all the Year 2 children have settled into their new class and new routines and are looking forward to a fun and productive year ahead. 

Ms Richards, Mrs Goodwill and Mrs Titchin

Parent phonics workshop

We would like to invite all parents to a short workshop on how we teach phonics, reading and handwriting at Exeter Pre-Prep. This will take place in the Year 2 classroom from 4-5pm next Tuesday (17 September). Refreshments will be available in the classroom from 3.30pm. You are welcome to book your child into late room without charge, if needed. We look forward to seeing you if you are able to join us.

Ms Richards and Mrs Rickard

Grandparents’ Afternoon

In celebration of Grandparents’ Day, we would like to invite grandparents of all children at Exeter Pre-Prep School to our annual Grandparents’ Afternoon. Full details will be sent out next week but, in the meantime, please make a note of the date and time: Friday 4 October at 2.30pm. Please don’t worry if grandparents can’t make it – other family members or friends will be welcome to attend.

Healthy Eating

As usual at this time of year, we like to remind parents about healthy playtime snacks.

Snacks that are high in sugar and salt should be avoided. Please remember that sweets, chocolate and crisps are not allowed, in accordance with NHS guidelines. Items such as processed meats and cakes lack the nutritional value that children need to aid learning and concentration. Even some fruit strings and winders have very high sugar content.

We strongly encourage children to bring a small fruit or vegetable snack. Plain rice cakes or breadsticks are another healthy alternative for fussy eaters. If your child is staying after school for clubs or late room, you are very welcome to pack them additional healthy snacks, which we will give them time to eat.

We also ask that every child brings a named water bottle to school so that they can stay well hydrated. Children are encouraged to refill their water bottles as needed throughout the day, and water is served in jugs and cups at the lunch table every day.

Please note that we are a nut-free school. Children are welcome to bring in individual cakes or cut-up tray bakes on special occasions such as birthdays, but please ensure these are nut-free for the safety of all children. Thank you for your continued support.

Stars of the Week



For being a really kind and thoughtful friend, and always wanting to help others. Well done!

Mrs Dray



For settling in so well and being a kind kingfisher. Well done!

Mrs Rickard & Mrs Smyth

Year 1


For travelling so well on the school bus every morning and making a great start to Year 1. Well done!

Mrs Lawrence-Jones

Year 2


For her amazing holiday homework. Well done!

Ms Richards & Mrs Goodwill

Head's Star of the Week

Freddy (Year 1)

For coming into school so well and making new friends. Well done!

Mr Ayling


Do you have a story or pupil achievement to share with our community?

If you have a couple of lines of information and a photograph that you and your child are happy to be shared we will try to post these at relevant times through the year.
Email our communications team
What a rabble! 🥰

What a rabble! 🥰 ...

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Year 1 have been designing their own PANTS this afternoon in PSHE! 🩲

Year 1 have been designing their own PANTS this afternoon in PSHE! 🩲 ...

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Another dressage ‘special’ rosette last Saturday for one of our Year 2 girls and Pepper the horse. Congratulations!

Another dressage ‘special’ rosette last Saturday for one of our Year 2 girls and Pepper the horse. Congratulations! ...

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Nearly half term, Ruffles. Hang in there! 💤

Nearly half term, Ruffles. Hang in there! 💤 ...

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Junior School gardening club farewell

Year 1 visit to Clyst St George Fire Station

Jazz Supper 2024

ESSIS Concert