News and Events

Onatti Spanish theatre performance

Posted: 14th March 2025

On Monday, our Lower Fifth and Middle Fifth linguists, attended a play performed by the Onatti Theatre Company in Spanish. This provided them with a great opportunity to practice both their speaking and listening skills whilst enjoying a fun and instant piece of theatre. We were also delighted to welcome 40 pupils from Ted Wragg schools who came along to enjoy the play too.

One of our Middle Fifth pupils has reflected on the experience:

This was my first experience of instant theatre. Apparently, 20 minutes before it started the actors were only just parking the van they had brought all their props and all the scenery in. But when we arrived they had created two bedrooms on stage, the stage lights were on, and there was a pumping soundtrack. Fair play to our school technician who made all that happen. The plot was pretty simple to follow, boy asks girl out, they both get nervous beforehand, the date goes OK, then they have to decide whether to go out again, and it’s a happy ending. The acting was pretty basic too, with them pretending to be 14 years old and getting a bit overexcited. But after a while I forgot it was all in Spanish. Doing the first scene in class helped. There was lots of audience participation (in Spanish), shouting out from the audience and 2 people getting up on stage. It was a good start to a Monday morning.

Categories: Senior School