News and Events

Year: 2024

Make £5 Grow

18th January 2024

Last week Upper Two pupils attended talks given Mr Mackintosh from the senior school and some Young Enterprise sixth form pupils, to launch this year’s independent maths project. Virgin Money…

Biology explorer dome

18th January 2024

The Fourth Form pupils had a visit to the explorer dome this week when they had an interactive experience about the digestive system. They heard lots of interesting facts and went…

Art Printing and Observational Drawings

18th January 2024

Our Year 1 and 2 pupils at Pre-Prep have been making these fabulous observational drawings of flowers over the handprint backgrounds they created last week. To begin with, they learnt…

Sea turtle talk with Jo Earlam

17th January 2024

Love Turtles, Love Our World. Thank you to Jo Earlam, the author of Tuamor the Turtle, who visited our junior school today. She shared the turtle’s story and discussed the…

Exeter School netball tournament

15th January 2024

Our pupils were involved in a busy week of netball ahead of the first full block fixture this weekend against Wellington School. The 1st & 2nd VII’s travelled to the…

Senior Artist of the moment

15th January 2024

The art department regularly recognises the achievements of individual pupils in the senior school through the award of the title, ‘Artist of the Moment’. Entries cover a wide range of…

Netball & Hockey seasons 2024

12th January 2024

Both the netball and boys’ hockey seasons got underway this week with a block fixture for the boys’ hockey teams against Blundell’s last Saturday and a mid-week match for the…

Upper Sixth Trip to Hinkley

12th January 2024

Upper Sixth geographers went up to Hinkley Point C nuclear power station to learn about an important A-level case study. We had a lecture, visited the tourist centre, and took a bus tour around the…

Senior Artist of the moment

11th January 2024

The art department regularly recognises the achievements of individual pupils in the senior school through the award of the title, ‘Artist of the Moment’. Entries cover a wide range of…

Gardening Club

10th January 2024

Gardening Club have been potting daffodil bulbs with Simon, Will and Tom which will then be kept warm in the poly tunnel until they are ready to delivered to brighten…

Open morning - 4 July


Click here to register for our summer open morning on Thursday 4 July 9-10.45am.

See the amazing community that makes our school a school of great character. For more information on school places, please email