News and Events

School swimming squads’ success

Posted: 4th October 2024

The school swim squad started their season last week in the regional round of English Schools Swimming Association (ESSA) relays held at Millfield School. It turned out to be a very solid start to the season, with excellent performances from our U13 girls (Holly, Leia, Izzy and Felicity) who ranked a very impressive 5th out of 34 school in both freestyle and medley relay. The U13 boys  (Alex, Monty, Samuel and Daniel) were also on great form and ranked 8th and 11th out of 26 schools. This gives both teams a real shot at qualifying for the national finals.

This week, the squads were in home action for the first time this year competing against West Buckland, Wellington and Queen’s, Taunton with all age groups in the senior school in action. All teams brought great energy and it was exciting to see so many very close finishes. The Exeter swimmers were, once again, in great form winning the age groups of U18 Boys and girls and U13 boys. With the U13 girls and U15 boys and girls coming second in their age groups, Exeter were overall winners of the first gala of the season. Well done to everyone involved, especially the younger swimmers who swam for the school in their first event in the senior school.

Categories: Senior School Sport
Exonian Lecture

Captain Elizabeth Godwin (2004-2013) – Life Guards Squadron- will share her experiences and give a first-hand insight into her career to date. She will explore nationally significant events as well as her day-to-day responsibilities as the leader of Sqn 2iC, which include running the Life Guards squadron of 60 soldiers and 100 Military Working Horses.

Friday 7 February, 6-8pm Exeter School main hall.

Click here to book tickets