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Upper Sixth biology residential to Nettlecombe Court

Posted: 2nd October 2024


The Upper Sixth Biologists spent three days studying the ecology of very different habitats across Somerset and Devon: the sand dunes at Saunton, the river at Embercombe, and the rocky shore at Helwell Bay, as well as exploring the grounds of Nettlecombe Court itself.

We were lucky with the weather on Saturday at Saunton. The Upper Sixth started by making and presenting excellent models of sand dune succession on the beach. In the afternoon, they enjoyed a little bit of sunshine whilst working hard collecting biotic and abiotic data along their transects. The fieldwork was wrapped up with some statistical analysis back at the centre.

Sunday was spent at the river Embercombe. Despite the pouring rain, pupils collected species of freshwater invertebrates with enthusiasm, listening with interest to their unique adaptations to the different microhabitats in the water. They carried out a choice chamber experiment on freshwater shrimp and applied statistical tests to their findings.

Back at the centre, woodlice were counted in a mark-release-recapture exercise and humane Longworth traps were set to capture small mammals in the woods. With approximately 30% success rate, a few of our pupils delighted in weighing field mice the following morning to provide data for the Field Studies Council (FSC).

The rocky shore study on our final day looked at zonation. The Upper Sixth learnt about the changes in biodiversity along a transect up the shore from the low water line to the splash zone, and related the adaptations of the animals and seaweeds to their location. Pupils homed in a particular species to carry out a pilot study which they will use for their required practical plan. By the end of our fieldwork, pupils were experts at identifying the different molluscs and seaweeds and were well practised in using cross-staffs to measure the height up the shore.

Many thanks to Mrs Johnson and Ms Montagu who accompanied me on the trip. And thank you, Upper Sixth for working hard and being so positive throughout. You were excellent role models and great company across the extended weekend, a pleasure to have taken away. We hope you enjoyed the ecological experience, despite the weather!

U6 Nettlecombe Biology trip 2024

Written by Julia Metcalf, Head of Biology

Categories: Senior School Trips